Our Yoga classes are taught in the Heart Of Living Yoga Tradition, which is a beautiful school of Yoga and an international charity based in the U.K.

Thursdays, 7-8pm

Brae Hall

FREE Taster
- 5th September

6 Week Block
12th September
- 17th October

Vishwam has been practising yoga for over 25 years and teaching for 13. He is also a yoga teacher trainer with Heart Of Living Yoga.

Our yoga is a form of moving prayer, open to people of all faiths and none. The practice releases stress and opens our hearts to living more peaceful and joyful lives.

And it’s fun!

Our Yoga classes are
open to every BODY.

Regular yoga practice is a wonderful way to connect more deeply with your body, your heart,
your whole life.
Each class is specially created for those in the room.

Yoga is a great experience to share with friends and loved ones. Why not come along together?

Sliding Scale Rates

“I give, you give, we all receive.”
~ Padma Devi

For one hour class ~ £10 (£6 concession)
For 6 week block ~ £50 (£36 concession)

Our circumstances are all different. If the offered rates would prevent you being able to attend, please get in touch. If you are feeling very comfortable financially, an additional contribution is welcome to support those who have less to give financially and so much to give in other ways.

Online payments can be sent to
Flowing with Life
Mettle (bank name)

Or you’re welcome to bring cash on the day.

Vishwam has been practising Yoga for over a quarter century and teaching for thirteen years. He’s completed over 500 hours of Yoga Teacher Training courses (including Gentle Therapeutic Yoga) and is part of a team training yoga teachers and heart meditation facilitators at the Heart Of Living Yoga Foundation.

Vishwam’s approach is relaxed, playful and attentive. He listens to what is most helpful for the group and shares the joyful science of yoga with ease and peace. Each class is unique and they all have that same peaceful, heart-opening feeling that stays long after the class has finished.

Vishwam moved to Shetland in the summer of 2021, initially house sitting for Rosa & James at Lea Gardens with his partner Paul. They then rented Gillaburn in Stromfirth for just over a year before moving to Setter, Walls where they are fixing up their new home.

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Living in the heart is the profound courage never to relinquish love.”

Padma Devi