Medicine Poems
A medicine poem is writing from the heart that
connects us directly to the Source of all healing.
Walking meditation lead by Vishwam
We might think of medicine as anything that connects us more deeply with our aliveness. Pain killers that help release a headache or life saving surgeries can do this for us, of course. Poetry, too, can help us feel the fullness of what it is to be alive.
Poems published by Vishwam:
“Ocean of Light,” Amethyst Review, September 2020
“If only,” Mookie Chick, November 2020
“New Prescription”, Soul Lit, Winter 2021
“Prayer from a Chrysalis,” “Emergence,” “Pearls from Heaven,” “Listening Heart,” Sarasvati, May 2022
To see any of the poems below in full, please click on the picture.
The Magical Marriage of Heart & Mind (a prose poem)
We might think there is something missing in us.
A hole where magic should live. Where did magic go?
Many stories ask this question … or perhaps tell tales how magic left the world.
But it never did. Magic never left the world.
Walking in the Arms of the World
Dancing sea sings her constant song —
a tender duet with the moon who knows
life needs change
to thrive.
Winter Joy
Silver sun, silver sea
dancing gulls, selkie sweet
laughing winds, scattered snow
click of needle, mend & sew.
Click pic to read on
Eshaness, Shetland in Winter