“There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories.”
Join Vishwam and friends for a beautiful afternoon nourishing your creative heart. We all have stories to tell, gifts to share. Making time to honour the heart, to nurture our gifts, is a wonderful practice to support not only ourselves, but all those around us.
On this magical afternoon retreat, we will share delicious veggie food, guided heart rest and meditations, & warmly held space to write and to listen. Vishwam has been hosting meditative writing groups for several years and we’ve discovered that our writing has been deeply transformed by this meditative process. Even those who thought they couldn’t write have discovered that beautiful writing flows naturally from the heart.
Please note this workshop has just 8 places available. Book soon to avoid disappointment!
For those who want a full day of delight, join us for The Yoga of Love, 10am-1pm.
10% of all contributions go directly to support the charity work of the Heart Of Living Yoga Foundation who are working with underprivileged and oppressed children and their families in Sri Lanka, Brasil, India & the U.K.
About your Host
Vishwam Gurudas Heckert is a Heart Of Living Yoga teacher, trainer and heart minister based in Shetland. He has been hosting online heart meditation & creative writing groups online for four years and helped many people discover and deepen their writing voice. Vishwam’s articles, essays, poetry & flash fiction appear in a variety of journals, books and magazines including Bella Caledonia, Reforesting Scotland & many more.